
Rebuild of St Francis Primary School, Msoro

Thursday 2nd January, 2025
Msoro is the centre of the Anglican Diocese of Eastern Zambia.  It is located about 65 kms north of St Francis’ Hospital, Katete.  The road from Katete going east to the Mtetezi turnoff, is good tar.  However, there where one turns to the north, the road is gravel with large rocks and deep potholes designed by nature to […]

Obituary: Emelia Mulenga

Wednesday 11th October, 2023
Emelia Mulenga very sadly died on the 29th May 2023. She was just 25.  She was born and spent her early years on the Copperbelt.  At the age of nine, her mother sent her to Lusaka with her younger siblings to live with their aunt. Unfortunately, their aunt went away on business for 6 months […]

The Orphans & Vulnerable Children Programme (OVC)

Wednesday 11th October, 2023
Following the passing of Emelia Mulenga (see Obituary), Cynthia Nyendwa was appointed to run the scheme, starting work in July 2023.  She has a teaching diploma. The programme now looks after 900 children.  It was one of the first such programmes to be established in Zambia in the early 1990s.  It was set up in […]

Message from the Board Chairperson

Wednesday 11th October, 2023
St Francis’ Hospital is the biggest mission hospital in Zambia with a bed capacity of 450. The Hospital was founded in 1948 by Revd Dr Francis Trefusis as an Anglican Hospital. The Hospital’s vision has been to serve the population in Katete, particularly the underserved and the vulnerable by providing free but quality health services. […]

75th Anniversary

Wednesday 11th October, 2023
In 2023, St Francis’ Hospital was 75 years old, the same age as the NHS in UK!  A celebration was held on 6th May 2023. The event was preceded by a Thanksgiving service which was celebrated by Bishops William Mchombo and George Lungu. The homily was given by Canon Father Rogers Banda, the General Secretary […]

Solar Power and Oxygen Supply

Monday 15th March, 2021
After two and half year of fund raising by the Friends of St Francis Katete, for equipment acquisition and installation, the hospital now has a fully functioning Oxygen Plant that during the day is fully powered by Solar.  It was so impressive to visit the hospital in November/December 2021 and to see that all the […]